Top Tip Tuesday | Posted on March 16th, 2021 | return to news
Top tips for tennis
The government’s roadmap out of lockdown states that outdoor sports facilities, including tennis courts, will be able to reopen from 29 March. If you would like to get started, or pick up a racket again, Live4Tennis has some suggestions for you:
- You do not have to be a pro to start playing tennis – it is a common misconception that you have to be good to play – all you need is a racket, ball and a partner. With so many different versions of the game, such as mini tennis (smaller courts and slower balls), touchtennis (think 5-a-side football of tennis), and with courts becoming more and more accessible, why not get out there?
- It’s great exercise – you can burn as much energy playing tennis as in the gym. A great variation to tennis is cardio tennis (think circuits but hitting tennis balls to music). Working at your own speed, the aim is to keep in your cardio workout zone to burn those calories.
- You can play on any size court – even over a piece of string in the back garden against your family. It will help you develop so many skills and they all transfer to other sports, which is a bonus.
- Tactical tip – keep a good court position. If you are playing singles or doubles, the easiest way to increase your level straight away is to keep yourself behind the baseline when at the back of the court. It is easier to go forwards than it is to go backwards. As you get more focused on the incoming ball, your reactions and positioning will improve your game massively.
- Technical tip – it is commonly thought that all power comes from your arms when hitting forehands and backhands. Most power will come from your hip and body rotation including arms. Most important though, is a well-positioned stance behind the back of the ball.
If these tips have inspired you to either get back on the court or give tennis a go, you can see what Live4Tennis has to offer with regards to coaching or friendly competition via the website
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