The Keogh review report released yesterday reports on higher-than-expected death rates at 14 hospital trusts in England. While noting that none of the trusts concerned are in Hampshire, local healthcare consumer body Healthwatch Hampshire commented: “The report clearly demonstrates that there are some hospitals in the NHS that fail patients at the most basic level of keeping them safe and making them well. Most hospitals deliver excellent care, but the failure of the few threatens the reputation of the whole NHS. Consumers deserve a full and frank account of what problems there are across the country and they need to be told what is being done to sort them out. The best source of intelligence is always patients and staff – the people on the front line. Listening properly to the feedback and concerns of patients – and taking action – is what the NHS needs to do. It shouldn’t be difficult.
“Hospitals should see patients as part of the solution, not part of the problem. We urge local hospitals to talk to their local Healthwatch about the best ways to engage and listen to their patients. And we urge patients and their families to let their local Healthwatch know any concerns they may have about care in local hospitals. If we receive several concerns regarding the same issue, we can take it up with the hospital concerned. People can contact our Helpdesk on 01962 440 262 or complete and submit the Speak Out form on our web site or join in a discussion on our Facebook page”