Eco & Environment, Poole | Posted on February 22nd, 2021 | return to news
£12.4M Environment Agency grant to protect Poole from flooding
Flood defences will protect the town centre, the old town and new developments in the Twin Sails area for the next 100 years.
Measures are to be put in place to protect Poole from flooding.
The Environment Agency has awarded £12.4 million Flood Defence Grant in Aid to BCP Council to build new flood defence infrastructure.
The funding bid was submitted to the Environment Agency in September 2020 for Flood Defence Grant in Aid (FDGiA) for tidal flood defences along approximately 1.5km of waterfront at Back Water Channel. It will protect parts of Poole town centre, the old town and new developments in the Twin Sails regeneration area from flood risk for the next 100 years.
The value of potential damages calculated in the scheme area, in a ‘do nothing’ scenario over the next 100 years is £161 million. Working in conjunction with landowners, developers, the Environment Agency, Poole Harbour Commissioners and other relevant organisations, these plans will complete the provision of permanent flood defences in this area. Currently this remaining undefended water frontage relies on emergency temporary flood defences.
Cllr Mark Andersen, portfolio holder for Environment, Cleansing and Waste said, “The ongoing regeneration of the Twin Sails area was expected to include delivery of the required flood defences to protect the wider flood-risk area within Poole Town Centre, the Old Town and new developments. To date, however, the envisaged regeneration has not fully materialised and recent developments have only included flood defences along discrete lengths, leaving gaps in the defence line.
“There is a significant flood risk both now and with the impacts of predicted sea level rise, so it is excellent news that we have been granted funding enabling this essential infrastructure to go ahead.”
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