Month: January 2017

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Cattle rustlers active in Bere Regis

NEWS FEED Police are appealing for the public’s help after eight cows were stolen from a farm in Bere Regis. Sometime between the evening of Saturday 7 January and 7am on 8 January offenders cut through padlocks and broke into the farm. Eight brown-coated Limousin cows – five male and three female – were stolen.…

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SAVED FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS-Rampisham Down - typical acid grassland flora

Rampisham Down – a huge victory for nature conservation

It has been announced that the Rampisham Down Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in West Dorset, will not be developed into a 25MW solar power station. This follows two years of campaigning by Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) and work by conservation organisations including Natural England, RSPB and others. The site is a legally protected area of rare acid grassland and is of national importance.

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