Bournemouth, Christchurch, Health & Lifestyle, Poole | Posted on February 1st, 2024 | return to news
BCP Council backs campaign against sexual violence
Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, which runs from 5 – 11 February, sees events in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
BCP Council is backing Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week which runs from 5 – 11 February by staging events across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Globally, around one in three women and one in six men have been subjected to a form of physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, not including sexual harassment.
Despite this, less than 40 per cent of victims are known to have reported the incident to the relevant authorities, accessed help or sought support.
The campaign also aims to ignite change through improving the behaviours of perpetrators, helping to make people aware of the long-term damage their actions can cause.
Events include keynote talks from Bold Voices, an organisation working to educate young people on gender-based violence and sexual harassment, community engagement drop-ins at Bournemouth Library, and sessions on healthy masculinity operated by Progressive Masculinity.
All events can be viewed via the council’s online events programme.
Cllr Kieron Wilson, portfolio holder for Housing and Regulatory Services, including Community Safety, at BCP Council said: “The health, safety and wellbeing of residents remains a key priority for the Council. Sexual violence, as well as any other form of violence, will not be tolerated in our area.
“We are proud to be supporting this national campaign, building on the success of our ‘16 days of action’ campaign toward the end of last year. This latest initiative once again looks to promote needed change, raise awareness for and tackle an issue that continues to have a detrimental impact on our community.
“We are really committed to ensuring our area remains a safe place for people to live, work and relax.”
Recently, Annabel Hodges, a 16-year-old from Poole and a member of BCP Council’s UK Youth Parliament team, spearheaded a ‘Catcalls of BCP’ campaign which saw children as young as 11 chalk their experiences of sexual violence and harassment onto the street at high footfall sites in Bournemouth town centre; a story which later gained the attention of national media.
Events are taking place on 3 February in locations across Poole, including Poole Town Square, Poole Park and nearby to the Dolphin Shopping Centre.
The council is also working with businesses and organisations, initially in Bournemouth town centre, to create the ‘Bournemouth Unity Promise;’ a charter focused on women’s safety. It will look to call out behaviours which compromise the right from women to enjoy their time and feel safe in Bournemouth.
Cat McMillan, head of Community Engagement and Community Safety at BCP Council, said: “Our dedicated teams, alongside our partners such as Dorset Police, work tirelessly to help keep members of our communities safe but are unable to fix this issue alone. It must be tackled at source.
“This campaign is a great opportunity for people to learn more about the issue, how and why it arises, how we can work together to tackle it and make people aware of accessible support, whether you’ve been a victim or would like to better understand and manage your own behaviours.
“During the awareness week, hundreds of events take place, both online and in person, all over the country to raise awareness of sexual abuse and violence. Charities, schools, businesses, community groups and other organisations come together with individuals to host events and promote discussions regarding respectful, healthy relationships, consent, sexual abuse and sexual violence.”
In August 2023, BCP Council teamed up with Dorset Police, St Mungo’s homelessness charity, Bournemouth Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID), Bournemouth Town Pastors and other partners to found ‘Town Team’ – a multi-agency approach helping to keep people safe through tackling anti-social behaviour and criminality in Bournemouth town centre.
The council is also supporting a ‘Safer Internet Day’ initiative on Tuesday 6 February, with several online webinars scheduled to help teach residents how to stay safe and secure online.
If you, or someone you know is being abused, contact BCP Council’s dedicated Adult Social Care Contact Centre on 01202 123 654.
If there’s an immediate danger to life, call 999 and request Police.
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