Education | Posted on October 28th, 2024 | return to news
Bournemouth pupils’ success in spelling challenge
Class 5D pupils at Talbot Heath Junior School have won this year’s DoodleLearning Back to School Competition.

Correct spelling is no problem for pupils at Talbot Heath Junior School, with children from class 5D winning this year’s DoodleLearning Back to School Competition.
Sophie Maddison, Junior School English co-ordinator, said: “The class achieved the highest percentage of children in the green zone for Doodle Spell for 14 consecutive days. Their prize was a £75 box of spelling-related games which they have loved playing with during form times and lunch time. Super effort 5D, all of the staff are very proud of you.”
Michael Savitz, Discovery Education’s UK and International managing director, said:
“We’re thrilled to see such an incredible response to this year’s DoodleLearning Back to School Challenge and congratulate Talbot Health Junior School for their outstanding achievement.
“By inspiring curiosity and making learning an enjoyable experience for all, our Doodle apps provide a fantastic opportunity for students to continue their educational journeys beyond the classroom.”
Designed to be used for just 10 minutes a day, Discovery Education’s DoodleSpell, DoodleMaths and DoodleEnglish use the latest advances in learning and motivational psychology to raise attainment and boost confidence in maths and English.
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