Charity | Posted on March 20th, 2024 | return to news
Chelsea bun turns Freddie the dog’s day into sickly nightmare
The PDSA is warning pet owners to be vigilant this Easter after a sweet-toothed pooch needed emergency treatment after wolfing down a fruity bun.

When his owner wasn’t looking, Freddie, a three-year-old crossbreed from Brighton, got his paws on a homemade Chelsea bun containing raisins. What started off as a cheeky tasty delight quickly turned into a sickly nightmare.
Luckily, vets at Brighton PDSA Pet Hospital were on hand to provide the emergency care needed to prevent long-term damage.
Freddie’s owner, Kia, a full-time mum, said: “Freddie’s a much-loved member of our family and a good boy, but very food-motivated, which is how the unfortunate Chelsea bun incident came about.
“Unfortunately, Freddie got hold of the Chelsea bun and swallowed it whole before we could do anything to stop him. He was sick, and his vomit looked different from what I’d seen before. I was alarmed, so I rang PDSA for advice. They told me to bring Freddie into the Brighton Pet Hospital straight away.”
Upon arrival, Freddie was thoroughly assessed by the PDSA veterinary team, who were worried about the raisins he had ingested.
The veterinary charity is highlighting Freddie’s story to warn pet owners to take precaution in the run-up to Easter, as the festivities usually see an increase in sweet treats, like hot cross buns, containing raisins.
Kit Cornell, a vet nurse at Brighton PDSA Pet Hospital, said: “The Chelsea bun Freddie ate contained raisins, which can be poisonous to dogs, causing acute kidney failure in some cases and even death.
“Besides vomiting, Freddie was otherwise well, so he was admitted for a fluid drip to support his kidneys and hopefully prevent any damage. After 48 hours in the Pet Hospital, Freddie’s blood test results came back normal, so he was able to return home and remain under the watchful eye of his loving owner, Kia.”
After administering treatment for 48 hours, costing £173.68, the PDSA vet team ensured Freddie was discharged so he could continue recovery at home.
Kia expressed her gratitude to the PDSA vets and wants her traumatic experience to help other pet owners across the UK by urging them to keep a watchful eye over their furry friends this Easter.
Kia added: “PDSA were great, from start to finish. The care they provided was excellent. I thought Freddie would be very homesick, but when I came to pick him up, he turned around to follow the vet, which I think sums it up!
“If it wasn’t for PDSA, I would’ve had to beg and borrow to pay for Freddie’s treatment or used my emergency credit card, which would’ve resulted in financial worry. I’m very grateful PDSA exists, and thanks to them, we have Freddie back home with us where he belongs.”
Kit Cornell said: “Accidents are bound to happen, but cases like Freddie’s show just how important it is to keep a watchful eye on your four-legged friends and be aware of all the potential poisons and deadly in and around your home.”
For more expert PDSA advice on what to do if your dog has eaten something harmful, visit:
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