Christchurch, Eco & Environment | Posted on May 24th, 2022 | return to news
Coastal strategy for Christchurch Bay
A new coastal strategy for Christchurch bay is being developed and local people and businesses are invited to find out more.

Local people and coastal businesses are being invited to find out more about the development of a new coastal strategy. It will guide BCP Council and New Forest District Council on how the risks of coastal flooding and erosion may be sustainably managed for the next 100 years in Christchurch Bay, from Hengistbury Head Long Groyne to Hurst Spit, and including Christchurch Harbour.
The councils are developing the strategy jointly, working together with the Environment Agency. It will inform how coastal communities may be protected and consider the effects of predicted climate change, including sea level rise and increased levels of storminess.
Public engagement on the strategy is in its second phase, which includes includes two face-to-face drop-in sessions, one on-line event hosted by Dorset Coast Forum and an on-line survey. These will take place as follows:
- Monday 6 June 2022, Christchurch Library Octagon Space, 10am-6pm
- Thursday 9 June 2022, Milford-on-Sea Village Community Centre, 10am-4pm
- Tuesday 14 June 2022, public on-line event (hosted by Dorset Coast Forum) 7:00pm-8:15pm. Free tickets available at Eventbrite:
- Monday 23 May to Sunday 26 June 2022, Have your Say on-line survey:
Portfolio holder for Environment, Cleansing & Waste at BCP Council, Cllr Mark Anderson, said: “In this second phase of the strategy’s development, we are highlighting the scenario to explain: What happens if we don’t defend our coast?
“Our work to date has helped us establish this baseline which represents a hypothetical situation where we abandon our existing defences and don’t prepare for climate change. The process is not designed to alarm people, it enables us to evidence and justify what options there are to ‘do something’ to address coastal flooding and erosion risk. We are inviting people to come and talk with us about these findings at our drop-in events, or complete our on-line survey, to tell us if there is anything else we should consider at this stage.”
Councillor Steve Davies, Portfolio holder for Environment and Coastal Services at New Forest District Council, said: “Once we have listened to feedback, we will work with stakeholders again to identify a long list of options to ‘do something’ and we’ll assess them to understand where, when and broadly what type of works are needed and what this may cost. Local authorities do not have a statutory duty to undertake coast protection work, but we can use permissive powers to protect our coastline and work with communities to help them adapt to future coastal change. Crucially, the final adopted strategy will enable us to bid for government funding to deliver viable and realistic coast protection schemes. Although there is no guarantee we’d receive 100 per cent funding for these, it’ll help us to understand the required level of partnership funding that may be required to deliver a scheme.”
Towards the end of this year, further feedback will be invited on all the potential options which can realistically be delivered and which will help inform the development of a short list of options. The short-listed options will be consulted on in 2023, with the final strategy due to be adopted in early 2024.
Paper surveys will be available to complete at the drop-in events.
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