Bournemouth, Business, Political | Posted on January 26th, 2024 | return to news
Council continues to address concerns over Bournemouth town centre
Concerns over Bournemouth town centre that still need to be addressed by BCP Council include enabling the commercial use of empty premises.

Changes could be on the way for Bournemouth town centre which over the past few years has seen the closure of four major department stores.
Following public feedback received in BCP council’s Town Centre Survey, and further issues raised at a Town Centre Summit, the council says concerns are going to be addressed.
Areas where residents and businesses requested improvement include cleansing, parking enforcement, enabling the commercial use of empty premises and organising days of action.
Since the Summit, the council has worked with Bournemouth Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) to paint lampposts, undertake manual weed treatment, remove fallen leaves, wash down litter bins and remove stickers and graffiti.
The Parking Enforcement team has been undertaking additional targeted patrols in key areas across the town centre, including Old Christchurch Road.
During three, six-hour targeted patrols earlier in January, 111 Penalty Charge Notice’s (PCN’s) were issued, and a large number of vehicles moved on for being illegally parked. The council will continue to work alongside Dorset Police to enforce this for the benefit of residents and businesses.
The council is working closely with takeaway businesses and delivery drivers on Old Christchurch Road, who it understands may need to park outside shops and restaurants temporarily to collect goods, to establish how they can operate without parking illegally.
Cllr Vikki Slade, leader of BCP Council, said: “The council continues to prioritise Bournemouth town centre, not just with words, but with action.
“I have seen first-hand the amazing work carried out by officers in our parking and cleansing services. I’ve been able to see what our street cleansing operatives face at 4am every day of the week and witness how challenging parking enforcement can be in a busy town centre close to midnight on a Saturday.
“I’m encouraged by the work already being done to improve these aspects of Bournemouth town centre, but I know there is still a lot to be done.
“I have been clear from the outset that BCP Council can’t do this alone. We simply do not have the funds to deliver all of the improvements that were captured in the Town Centre Survey; it must be a shared effort.”
BCP Council recently published the results of its Town Centre Survey, and you can view the results by visiting:
In October, Dorset received over £750,000 after a successful bid was made to the Home Office’s Safer Streets Fund. This money will be used to implement a number of initiatives aimed at improving safety in Bournemouth, including the addition of new CCTV cameras on Horseshoe Common and West Hill.
Officers from the council’s CSAS, Licensing, Trading Standards, Parking
BCP Council said they recognise that empty shops within the town centre are a cause of concern.
The council’s new Draft Local Plan allows for a better range of housing within the town centre through amending building height and housing mix policy. This helps to provide developers with greater flexibility, encouraging development which will positively benefit the locality and its people.
The Economic Development team has already begun work to encourage commercial activity in key vacant premises; drawing up a list of suitable brands and businesses with which to make contact and discuss future investment in the town centre.
The team will continue to work alongside Bournemouth Town Centre BID, understanding and investigating how it can further boost and support business.
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