Bournemouth, Christchurch, Eco & Environment, Poole | Posted on October 26th, 2021 | return to news
Council makes 26 positive changes towards a greener Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
The UK is hosting the climate change conference in Glasgow from Sunday and BCP Council identifies its steps to tackle climate change.

As world leaders prepare for COP26, which takes place in Glasgow between 31 October and 12 November, BCP Council is keen to point out that it has taken 26 positive steps this year to address climate change.
The authority declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency in July 2019, and is making steps towards meeting its pledge to be carbon neutral by 2030.
Cllr Mike Greene, portfolio holder for transport and sustainability, said: “The council’s agreed Corporate Strategy clearly sets out sustainability as a key priority for the BCP area and ensures that all decisions and policies of the council underpin our climate action plans. It is good to reflect on all the positives but we continue to look forward to ensure that momentum continues so we meet our targets.
“COP26 really puts the UK on the map as the host nation and I hope that collectively all our communities can play an active role in ensuring we take positive steps to tackle the real and growing threat that climate change poses.”
The 26 initiatives are: 1: Additional Bikeability courses; 2: Timber Groyne Renewals; 3: Approval of Throop Nature Park; 4: Sustainable Fleet Strategy agreed; 5: Transforming Travel – committing to investing over £102M in 78kms of cycling and walking infrastructure; 6: Work has begun to create Durley Environmental Innovation Hub; 7: Carbon-friendly waste solution; 8: Leave only footprints campaign; 9: 23 Green Flag Awards; 10: 10,000 trees planted; 11: Creation of a Centre for Excellence Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM); 12: Sustainable House Building; 13: Continued success of Beryl Bikes and e-Scooters; 14: Beach Park & Ride Schemes; 15: Green Recovery Challenge Funding; 16: Flytipping Pilot; 17: Blue Flag success; 18: Overnight litter picking along Wessex Way; 19: Scooters for school children competition; 20: Increased funding for Cleaner, Greener, Safer Campaign; 21: Beach renourishment; 22: Ground-breaking litter campaign launched; 23: 105 tonnes of waste collected on local beaches; 24: Seafront catering improvements; 25: Wanda the Waste Warrior Fish promoting the message of Reuse, Refill and Reduce.
Finally the Corporate Strategy which is leading communities towards a cleaner, sustainable future.
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