Dorset, Health & Lifestyle | Posted on May 19th, 2020 | return to news
Cyclists must adhere to rules
People cycling along our local promenades are being urged to observe the speed limit, to give priority to pedestrians, to give all they pass a two-metre wide berth and not to cycle in groups.

There have been a number of complaints that this hasn’t been the case, with a reader from Southhourne saying that she saw someone knocked over by a cyclist and that many were coming too close.
Councillor Vikki Slade, Leader of BCP Council said, “The lifting of restrictions nationally has meant people are able to do more in their leisure time now. For our seafront, this has meant people spending time on the beach, and seems to have led to more of a return to normal in terms of the number of cyclists on the promenade.
“At this stage, I won’t be asking members or officers to consider a ban of cyclists from the prom. This will be kept under review.”
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