Education | Posted on December 10th, 2020 | return to news
Deadline looms for applying for a school place
Parents have only until 15 January to register their children to ensure they get a place in the school of choice.

If your child is starting school for the first time or moving onto junior or middle school next year, you have until 15 January to register for a place if you haven’t already done so.
The admissions pages on the website give you all the information you need in order to apply. However if you are not able to apply online you can contact the School Admissions Team on 01305 221060, or email:
Cllr Byron Quayle, lead member for Education at Dorset Council said, “It is really important to apply by the deadline as it will give your child the best chance of being offered a place at one of their preferred schools. Unfortunately, any applications we receive after 15 January won’t be considered until the late rounds in spring.”
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