Health & Lifestyle | Posted on April 22nd, 2022 | return to news
Dementia Action Week 16 – 22 May
Are you or a loved one experiencing memory loss? If so, it could be a sign of Dementia.

Research has shown that the misconception around memory loss being a sign of normal ageing is the biggest barrier to people seeking a dementia diagnosis.
Dementia Action Week is a national awareness raising campaign and this year it runs from 16 – 22 May. It will focus on the theme of diagnosis, and people will be encouraging you to ‘act on dementia’. There is a lot of support available for sufferers and their carers, but people need to be aware of it.
In Wimborne there will be posters and collecting boxes in cafes and in other places where people meet together. There will also be leaflets explaining how to get a diagnosis and what support is available in and around the town. Look out for copies of the Living Well magazine that lists all the Dementia Friendly Activities that take place regularly in Wimborne and surrounding areas.
Dementia is a growing concern. It is nothing to be ashamed of and you are not alone, whether you are a sufferer or a carer.
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