Deputy mayor of Christchurch foresees Abbey Road future for HP Music
Deputy mayor of Christchurch says HP Music is going to be “bigger than Abbey Road” whilst attending the VIP launch of the new music facility at Highcliffe.

HP Music held its VIP music launch on 3 March attended by artists, dignitaries and Christchurch Deputy Mayor Cllr Nick Geary who remarked, “HP Music is going to be bigger than Abbey Road.”
The Highcliffe-based independent music artist facility, situated on Lymington Road, offers a wealth of services from artist development, music lessons and recording to songwriting and video production.
Since arriving into Highcliffe from their former Ringwood studios, HP’s creative team have produced a contemporary music video for one of their rising artists Brogan, which was shot at Highcliffe Castle and unveiled at the launch night.
After the gathered guests watched the video for the first time, rapturous applause broke out and Cllr Nick Geary added, “Many congratulations to you Harrison and your team. I wish you every success for the future and I hope you bring some super artists along and I know (and feel) that’s going to happen. You’ve accomplished something here in Highcliffe that is well worth nurturing, looking after and building. A lot of youngsters will be coming along who could be tomorrow’s stars.”
Harrison Perks, HP Music’s MD said, “Thank you Cllr Geary and a big thank you to everyone who has supported me – although it’s most flattering, we’re not quite as big as Abbey Road yet but we’re ready for whatever the future may bring.”