Ferndown, Health & Lifestyle | Posted on February 23rd, 2023 | return to news
Different generations come together in West Parley care home
Parley Place care home in West Parley recently enjoyed a visit from the children at Mighty Oaks Day Nursery.

The children from Mighty Oaks Day Nursery brought their favourite things with them when they visited Parley Place care home. These included games and books. They taught the residents how to play the games in the lounge with some children choosing to sit and read. Afterwards everyone went through to the dining room to enjoy lunch together.
General manager, Tracey Aldin of Parley Place care home, said: “We were delighted to have the nursery children in today, our residents really loved playing games with them. The added extra of the children eating in the dining room with the residents finished off their visit beautifully.
“Our residents and the children really seemed to benefit from each other’s company and we are looking forward to our next outing together and to continue our relationship.”
Beryl, resident at Parley Place, said: “The children were full of beans, it was so lovely to play some games together and they were so well behaved at lunch as well!”
Parley Place care home is run by Barchester Healthcare, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals.
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