Culture | Posted on January 25th, 2021 | return to news
Dorset libraries still available to users
Dorset libraries may be closed during the latest lockdown, but they are still providing services to their users.
Library users can still access e-books and audio books, read e-magazines and e-comics, read and listen to local and national newspapers, order books to collect from their library and make reservations, all through the Dorset Council Libraries website.
There is also a programme of online events and activities on offer. These include social book chat or shared reading groups, or more formal sessions such as the upcoming evening with John Stockley as part of Black History Month or a climate change and community workshop with Vanessa Kisuule, which was held at the end of last year. In February, there will be a virtual author talk to celebrate LGBTQ History Month – details will be confirmed shortly.
Anyone needing help to access these online services can contact the Dorset Digital Hotline on 01305 221048 for help and support in staying connected.
Information on any of the borrowing services can be found at, as can details of how to join any of the online meetings.
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