Crime, Sport | Posted on July 22nd, 2024 | return to news
Dorset Police dog heads off to the Olympics to help with security
Police Dog Jeff from Dorset has been deployed to Paris to assist in security arrangements for the Olympic Games.

Police dogs from across the South West including Dorset have been deployed to Paris to assist in security arrangements, in preparation for this week’s Olympic Games.
Police Dog (PD) Jeff and his handler Police Constable (PC) Hillier were deployed to Paris along with PD Roo from Devon with handler Sergeant (Sgt) Phil Wilson, PD EmmyLou with handler PC Rich Martin and PD Hope with handler Sgt Ben Smith from Avon and Somerset.
They will assist their French counterparts prior to the beginning of the Olympics and Paralympics.
A large-scale security operation saw policing and military teams from multiple countries, come together in order to search what will be the Olympic Village and event venues, to ensure the games will be safe.
Dorset Police handler PC Hillier said: “PD Jeff worked alongside the Gendarmerie (French military police), who become firm friends with Jeff, ensuring he was very much part of their team. The days were very long, but PD Jeff enjoyed being used for his super sniffing skills.”
At the end of the deployment, all the dogs involved were invited to the British Embassy to visit the staff and the Ambassador, who extended their thanks to all handlers and the dogs for their efforts and commitments in representing British policing.
PC Hillier added: “Lifelong memories were made alongside the absolute honour to represent not only Britain but that of our home force of Dorset. Not too bad for a rescue dog!”
Dorset Police Assistant Chief Constable Mark Callaghan said: “We were proud to be able to support the security operation in advance of the Olympics and play our part in ensuring a safe and secure event on a world stage. Well done to all involved.”
The Paris Olympic Games begin on 26 July until 11 August.
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