Crime | Posted on July 22nd, 2024 | return to news
Dorset Police launch new online contact method for crime victims
Police have launched Enhanced Video Response, allowing victims to choose to speak to an officer over video rather than in person.

Victims of crime can now opt to speak to an officer over live video rather than seeing them in person following the launch of Enhanced Video Response by Dorset Police.
Where there is no immediate threat, risk or harm requiring officers to attend in person, victims are being given the choice of speaking to an officer over live video for enquiries to be conducted and statements taken.
The new initiative gives victims greater choice in how they interact with Dorset Police. If they would prefer to see an officer in person, that will always continue to be available.
Assistant Chief Constable Steve Lyne of Dorset Police, said: “We recognise that society is changing, and victims tell us they want other ways to engage with us. We know that for many, they prefer the convenience of speaking to us over a video call where they can engage more openly, and they don’t feel anxious at the thought of a police car outside their home address.
“The initiative was trialled over a four-month period during the summer last year and 89 per cent of victims who took part said they would recommend it to others.
“In addition, for incidents managed by our Enhanced Video Response team, we found that the number of crimes resulting in an arrest or formal suspect interview were almost four times higher, with crimes seeing a positive outcome, such as an offender being charged or given a caution, over three times higher. The number of victims who withdraw their support for a prosecution also halved resulting in more offenders being brought to justice.”
When a victim is reporting a crime or incident, a risk assessment will take place and if there is no immediate threat, risk or harm and the report doesn’t require emergency attendance, they will be offered a physical or virtual response.
A virtual response has been chosen by a cross section of society, with the oldest victim being an 84-year-old man who was reporting an assault from the previous day and was happy to talk to an officer via his smartphone.
One victim who chose a video response said: “At the time I made this report I was feeling very vulnerable and anxious as I was being stalked. I was so anxious that allowing a stranger into my home, even a police officer, was a traumatic option for me. The video call facility was the perfect way to actually see the officer without having a stranger in my home. The officer was very empathetic and made me feel safe and valued.”
Enhanced Video Response also enables Dorset Police to offer better value for money to the taxpayer, with increased efficiency, better use of officer time and a reduction in vehicle costs, fuel and maintenance. With the Force’s fleet of over 450 vehicles typically travelling around 3.7 million miles per year, the reduction in carbon emissions and wider environmental impact is significant too.
This efficiency saving is being invested back into the front line, with Dorset Police continuing to help reduce response times to emergency calls requiring immediate or urgent in person attendance, improving the service to Dorset communities.
For a victim to opt for a virtual response, they must be over the age of 18 or with a parent/guardian, have use a of a smartphone with video and 4G/WiFi capability and the offender cannot be present.
Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick said: “I welcome the roll-out of Enhanced Video Response in Dorset. I am fully committed to ensuring our county becomes the safest in the country and initiatives such as this are key to delivering a victim-led approach which offers people a modern-day choice as to how they engage with officers.”
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