Chairman of East Dorset District Council, Cllr Steve Lugg, has planted a tree to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.
The tree, a locally-grown Acer Palmateum Suminagashi, was planted on the green near the junction of Martins Drive and Wimborne Road East in Ferndown. It was draped in black and yellow ribbons to denote ‘remembrance and hope’ intertwined. The planting ceremony was attended by the mayors of Christchurch, Verwood and Wimborne and the Chairman of Dorset County Council.
Cllr Lugg talked about the Holocaust Memorial Trust and read an extract from Anne Frank’s Diary as well as two poems.
Cllr Lugg said: “The 2016 Holocaust Memorial Day has the theme of ‘Don’t stand by’. I hope that by planting this tree it will provide a reminder to people of the terrible events of the holocaust and it will help to ensure that we never forget this and every other instance of oppression.”
I have reported to Ferndown Parish Council that the above tree looks dead. They have sent the Lengthsman to check on this. 2/5/19