Find out about baking some dough for Diverse Abilities
Dorset-based charity, Diverse Abilities, is gearing up for this year’s Great Dorset Bake Sale and launching the 2017 event on Thursday 6 April at the Cosy Club Bournemouth at 10am.

The launch will give the opportunity for keen bakers to find out how to get involved, enjoy a cuppa and some cake.
The actual 6th annual Great Dorset Bake Sale is set to run on Friday 5 May and Diverse Abilities hopes that more than 100 bake sales and coffee mornings will be held simultaneously across Dorset to raise vital funds for the charity’s essential work supporting children and adults with disabilities, and their families.
The launch event also welcomes guest speaker Sadie Smith, parent to James who is supported by Diverse Abilities and founder of Cake by Sadie. She also used to work for the charity and was part of the team that came up with the idea of the Great Dorset Bake Sale six years ago, of which the charity has been running the initiative ever since.
Nicole Warrilow, community fundraiser at Diverse Abilities, said, “We are extremely excited for this year’s Great Dorset Bake Sale. The event is always well-received all over Dorset and this year we hope it will be even bigger and better. We’d love more schools, more supermarkets and more community groups to get involved. All proceeds from the event will be making a huge difference to children and families in the county. A huge thank you goes to Sadie for supporting the initiative and attending the launch.”
The launch event will also be a great opportunity to sample delicious treats, to learn more about the charity’s recipe book Scrumptious Home Baking and find out about the Great Dorset Bake Sale initiative and how the funds raised from bake sales across the county will be used to benefit those living with physical and learning disabilities.
Everyone who takes part will receive a fundraising pack with bake sale tips, cake recipes to choose from and ideas on how to make their bake sale event a success. Every penny counts and by baking a difference and raising just £50, the charity can purchase a variety of sensory toys for use by adults or children supported by the charity. Raising £100 will fund the entire nursing team for an hour at the specialist school.