Charity, Education | Posted on December 12th, 2022 | return to news
Fire station fun for Beaucroft School
Beaucroft School pupils had a day out at Springbourne Fire Station thanks to Variety The Children’s Charity.

Children from Portland Class at Beaucroft School in Wimborne have been able to see a fire engine with its blue lights flashing and its siren sounding and to enjoy skills games and dressing up in fire fighters’ uniforms at Springbourne Fire Station.
The day was organized by John Stein, Wessex volunteer with Variety The Children’s Charity.
Springbourne crew manager Adam Moss and fire fighter Jason Bethell welcomed the children and gave them a tour that included watching a fireman come down a very long fire pole, seeing the crew’s fitness gymnasium and the kitchens and mess-room. The children were able to try on fire fighters’ uniforms and climb up into a fire engine to discover how all the equipment is stored and get a firefighter’s view from the cab.
The pupils, aged 10 to 14, took part in various outdoor challenges including rolling up fire hoses, using a rope to haul in weights and carrying containers of water. The most exciting activity was learning how to use a fire hose.
Frances Cornelius, chairman of Variety Wessex said: “Thank you John Stein for arranging such an interesting and exciting day at Springbourne Fire Station. A big thank you to Adam Moss and Jason Bethell for looking after the children so well and giving them such incredible experiences. Their trip to your fire station gives them some wonderful memories to share with their friends and families.”
For more information about the work of Variety Wessex contact Frances Cornelius on
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