Health & Lifestyle | Posted on January 7th, 2021 | return to news
Free parking to continue for NHS workers
Free parking for NHS workers, which ran last year, and was reinstated in November is to continue to the end of February.

During the present lockdown, NHS and care workers will continue to be able to park in Dorset Council-operated car parks free of charge.
This is provided they are on duty and displaying a relevant permit or they have registered with Dorset Council.
Originally run for a limited time early last year, free parking was reinstated during the November lockdown period, and continued throughout December.
Cllr Ray Bryan, Dorset Council portfolio holder for Highways, Travel and Environment, said, “I’m pleased to continue our support for colleagues in the NHS and care sectors by extending our free parking offer to the end of February.
“These workers are providing a vital service to some of our most vulnerable and isolated residents.”
The extension of the free parking for NHS and care workers will be reviewed by councillors on a monthly basis.
To register as a NHS worker for free off-street parking while working, please email, providing your full name, evidence of employer details and vehicle registration number. You will receive a response email and your details will be added to our system so we know not to issue a Penalty Charge Notice to your vehicle.
Vehicles already registered for the scheme do not need to re-apply and will be automatically extended on the parking services system.
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