Events & Entertainment, Poole | Posted on August 22nd, 2017 |
Go retro at Poole’s Summer Breeze
Poole’s Summer Breeze festival will showcase a night of big bands, swing and rock and roll as Poole Quay hums with a live music cocktail from the 40s, 50s and 60s from 7pm on Thursday 24 August.

Everyone will be able to twist, jitterbug and jive on Poole Quay to a symphony of live music, with Latin and funk from 20:1 Big Band, swing from performers Real Vintage and Miss Annie, plus rock and roll from Rockin’ the Joint courtesy of Mr Kyps. Choir on the Quay, a group of local choirs will be performing A song for Sea Music as part of the celebrations of Sir Anthony Caro’s sculpture on Poole Quay.
The free event brings a party atmosphere to Poole’s continental quayside every Thursday evening in August, before finishing with a firework finale at 10pm over the largest natural harbour in Europe.
John Corderoy, managing director of sponsors Breeze Volkswagen, said, “The crowds supporting Summer Breeze have been superb. Each week the numbers have grown and it is just fantastic to see the enthusiasm as people come down, support local businesses and make the event part of their summer. Vintage nights are always hugely popular and really get everyone in a great mood to celebrate, so make sure you don’t miss it.”
With street entertainers, balloon modellers, bouncy castles, circus skills and children’s rides, there’s plenty to keep the whole family entertained.
Paul Dredge, acting chairman of the Poole Tourism Partnership, said, “Hosting free family events is key to Poole’s special events and the harbour provides a world class arena, particularly for the stunning fireworks displays. It’s perfect for having a meal, enjoying the quayside entertainment and seeing Poole in a party mood.”
Poole Quay will be closed to vehicles for the event from 6pm.
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Tags: Retro, Summer Breeze, Vintage