Dorset | Posted on December 3rd, 2020 | return to news
Have your say on Dorset Council’s Local Plan
Planning is always an emotive subject so if you have strong views on the future of Dorset make sure you put them forward.

A decision is to be made which will affect the lives of people in Dorset for the next 15 years – and you have the chance to put forward your views.
A consultation on the draft Dorset Council Local Plan will start in January 2021.
The local plan outlines the strategy for ensuring the growth that the area needs happens in the right places, and is of the right character and quality, while protecting Dorset’s natural environment and acting on climate change. It also ensures that the right level of community services is provided, including schools, as well as retail, leisure and other community facilities.
Once adopted, the Local Plan, alongside any Neighbourhood Plans, will be the legal starting point in determining planning applications for the area. The papers and plan can be viewed at
The council is required to consult with a range of stakeholders including public bodies such as the Environment Agency and voluntary bodies such as local charities.
In addition, the council will continue to consult town and parish councils.
The Duty to Cooperate, a legal test that requires cooperation with neighbouring planning authorities, means that the council will be talking to neighbouring councils to ensure that all housing and employment needs have been met.
The first Dorset Council Local Plan consultation will begin in January 2021 and will last for eight weeks. There will be a further opportunity to comment in late 2021 before the Plan is submitted for independent examination and adopted in 2023.
The draft Dorset Council Local Plan will be available on the council’s website at During the consultation, there will be displays in libraries where you can borrow a hard copy of the plan. A dedicated phone line will be available for enquiries from Monday – Friday. The council will also be holding virtual webinars on key themes within the Local Plan.
There is also a series of podcasts that have been developed to help people understand key local plan topics such as consultation, housing, the Green Belt and infrastructure (including roads and public transport). These are available via Spotify, iTunes and Anchor.
The Draft Dorset Council Local Plan has used all the information gathered by the former borough and district councils.
Neighbourhood plans will be used in conjunction with the overall Dorset Council Local Plan to inform planning decisions.
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Tags: #dorsetcouncil, #LocalPlan, Planning