Health & Lifestyle | Posted on March 1st, 2021 | return to news
Have your say on what makes a good day in Dorset
You have until 26 March to tell Dorset Council how you feel that day centres and services could be used.

If you work in or access day centres across the Dorset Council area, your views are being sought on the subject of ‘What makes a good day’.
The consultation, due to close on 26 March aims to find out how day centres and services are used and what contributes to people having ‘a good day’.
The short survey has been sent to 2000 carers and 1600 adults, who receive social care, but Dorset Council is also keen to hear from friends and family of people who spend their time at a day centre, so services can be improved to cater for individuals’ needs and interests. Feedback from the questionnaire will help shape which activities and services will be on offer to the community in the coming years.
The council is reviewing how day centres are utilised, with the aim of creating bespoke care packages for people and supporting them to live fulfilling and happy lives.
Cllr Laura Miller, portfolio holder for adult social care and health and Cllr Simon Gibson, lead member for care who are leading this work have the following message for residents.
“We want to make sure we spend the money supporting people in the right way. We believe in giving people the choice of deciding what they do, rather than map it out for them.
“We would like to work with the people we support, their families, carers, providers and colleagues – to create community-based, local day opportunities and support in the right places, at the right times.
Residents and carers can complete the survey online or return a paper copy free of charge. The team also welcome feedback by email, telephone and in group telephone chat sessions.
A paper copy of the survey can be requested by calling 01305 228554 (during opening hours).
Results of the survey will be published in late spring.
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