Marvellous day of maths marks NSPCC Numbers Day at a Bournemouth school
Bournemouth’s only Free School, Parkfield, marked NSPCC Numbers Day with a day of maths challenges.

Parkfield School’s latest mixed year group day, held once every half term, was Maths Day. It coincided with the NSPCC’s annual fundraiser and maths teacher Mrs Cowgill, said: “The day was all about getting students involved in hands-on maths.
“Pupils were encouraged to collaborate, be innovative and problem-solve and we had students across our school age groups (4-15) working together with marvellous results.”
Primary-age students enjoyed strategy games, investigations, quizzes and on-line activities, while secondary students were set the task of designing and making a working bridge that would span a 50cm gap.
Alex Prout, interim headteacher at Parkfield, said: “Our curriculum days inspire our students to ask questions and explore the world through creativity.
“They also enable the different year groups to learn together and from one another, which everyone seems to enjoy.
Parkfield opened in September 2013 and teaches children from the age of four through to 16.