Health & Lifestyle | Posted on October 14th, 2020 | return to news
Music and memories to inspire older people in care
Older people in care are being helped through the COVID-19 pandemic with a series of short videos to bring to mind long-forgotten memories.

Older people, particularly those with dementia, often respond well to music as it can soothe, stimulate and bring to mind long-forgotten memories – and reach parts of the brain that other forms of communication cannot.
During the pandemic, local charity Coda Music Trust has ensured the groups it works with can still access and enjoy music and music-making activities.
For older people and those in care, it has produced a unique series of short videos called Gramophone Time, introduced by community musician Stuart Jebbitt.
In each clip, Stuart introduces the music of the era, alongside images and facts relating to the songs, artists and time period, designed to bring back memories and initiate conversation.
CEO of Coda Music Trust, Phil Hallett, said, “We’re sure that many people have loved ones in their care who have fond memories of family gramophones and the music of the era.
“We want people to enjoy the Gramophone Time series and hope that it might be a useful tool for communication, engagement or just pure entertainment!”
Gramophone Time can be accessed here:
New content will be added as further episodes are released, so it is recommended that people revisit the website for new clips.
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Tags: #codamusictrust, #COVID19