Culture | Posted on October 27th, 2021 | return to news
A love story based in Dorset – Sunrise over Pebble Bay
Set in and around Weymouth, Portland Bill and Chesil Beach, Sunrise over Pebble Bay by local author Della Galton was newly released in October.

The story follows talented, yet relatively unknown actor and celebration cake baker extraordinaire, Olivia Lambert.
Approaching 40, she’s yet to land the role that will launch her television career and she’s desperate to be a mum.
Her new man, Phil Grimshaw from the Bluebell Cliff Hotel, appears to be the perfect match, but seems in no rush to settle down.
Having ditched her childhood sweetheart and fiancé, Tom Boyd, when he backtracked about being a dad, Olivia dreads making the same mistake again.
Rocked by confessions from both her sister Ruby and Tom, Olivia knows it’s time to make some life changing decisions.
Then a terrifying incident off Chesil Beach changes the course of her future and brings Olivia to question everything she values and loves.
What the author says about her latest book:
“Sunrise Over Pebble Bay is a story that’s very close to my heart. Olivia, the main character has important decisions to make, one of which is, when is the right time to have a family? At 39 she is afraid she may have left it too late.
“Olivia is also an actor – she’s had several small parts but has yet to be offered the role that will launch her television career into the big time. She feels as if time is running out, both in her personal life and her professional one.
“I remember that feeling so well. I’d always wanted a family, but I also knew that I wanted to be in a stable relationship before I had one and I didn’t get married until I was 35. Also, I’d been a writer for years. I fitted it around my day job, just as Olivia fits her acting around her day job. I really wanted to write full time.
“Like Olivia I wondered if I’d left both having a family and writing full time, too late. My husband wasn’t so worried. He had two children already, but then we discovered we had some medical issues to address. By the time we were able to start trying properly for a baby I was 41.
“Olivia, on the other hand, is in a new relationship at the beginning of the novel and she doesn’t even know if her new man wants a family. The first thing she must do is to have the discussion with him. She thinks he might be her soulmate, but he also has his heart set on a thespian career, so this is not an easy thing to ask.
“My husband and I had difficulties conceiving. In fact, despite fertility treatment, it eventually proved impossible for me to conceive, but there’s a very happy ending to our story. I became very close to his children. Adam was just nine when I met him and Nikki was fourteen. We all had a great relationship – they were the best stepchildren ever. Nikki and I were passionate about horses so we had that in common. Adam and I were so alike, and so much on each other’s wavelength, that most people assumed we were related.
“Like me, Adam chose writing as his career. He had his first short story published at the tender age of 14. Today he is editor of the Guinness World Records Book and I’m so very proud of him. Nikki now lives in Canada with her own growing up family and they love their life.
“Because of my own life experiences, I’m a firm believer that love isn’t dependent on genetics. Families come in all shapes and sizes.”
So, does Olivia get her happy ending? You will have to read Sunrise Over Pebble Bay to find out.
Available in paperback or Kindle edition from
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