Newly created co-working hub in Poole for small and new businesses
The lights were on at The Factory for a B2B exhibition aimed at start-ups and established small businesses which attracted an audience of over 200 people and offered free seminars, key note speakers and many networking opportunities to support and build local business.

Hosted by Salt Hub Ltd, Lights on at The Factory, a B2B exhibition, was delivered at BCHA’s (Bournemouth Churches Housing Association) social enterprise outlet, The New Leaf Company.
The New Leaf Company is located at The Factory in Alder Hills and offers a co-working hub for small and new businesses, as well as conference facilities, meeting rooms and a training academy. The venue is also home to the catering and repairs and maintenance services for BCHA customers. Bournemouth-based organisation BCHA, helps homeless and vulnerable people access the right housing, health, learning and work opportunities across the South West.
Peter Wiggins, Enterprise Business Manager at The New Leaf Company, said, “The recent Salt Hub event was an ideal event to showcase what we do at The Factory and also highlight the fantastic facilities we have here that can be utilised by local businesses, including our conference facilities for established businesses and a Co-Working Hub for small start-up businesses.”
Salt Hub Ltd was formed in during the summer and consists of three directors, Debbie Clifton, Sally Turner and Lorna Trent, who with a team of associates, use their wide range of experience and specialist skills to deliver successful projects. The ladies all have extensive experience of running projects, partnerships and events through working in collaboration with others in the private, public and voluntary sector.
Lorna Trent from Salt Hub said, “We were overwhelmed by the local support from businesses and the new start-ups and The Factory was a fantastic venue for hosting the event as it’s such a flexible space, plus it has its own in-house catering, too. We would like to say a huge thank you to all the seminar hosts, key note speakers and Q&A Panel members who generously gave their time to support others.”