Blandford Forum, Culture, Dorchester, Dorset, Ferndown, Wareham, Weymouth, Wimborne | Posted on July 27th, 2020 | return to news
Nine Dorset Council libraries re-open
With the week starting on a rainy note it is a good time to visit your local library – and the good news is that nine Dorset Council libraries re-opened today Monday 27 July.

The computers will be available for a 45-minute session but need to be pre-booked by calling your library.
Dorchester, Ferndown and Weymouth libraries are open from 9.30am to 1pm, Monday to Saturday.
Wimborne, Blandford, Gillingham, Sherborne and Wareham libraries are now open from 9.30am to 1pm, Monday to Saturday, excluding Wednesday.
Bridport library will be open from 9.30am to 1pm, Monday to Saturday, excluding Thursday.
Opening times are being limited to ensure that staff can work safely in the afternoons to pick and pack bags for the order and collect service – an alternative service for those who are uncomfortable or unable to spend time in the library. The online library services will continue to a programme of activities.
Cllr Tony Alford, portfolio holder for Customer, Community and Regulatory Services, said, “We’re pleased to now be able to reopen a number of our libraries, with safety measures in place to help protect our staff and residents.
“These nine libraries are in our more densely populated towns and will offer a good geographical spread across our council area.
“Library services will look and feel quite different with signage to help users follow social distancing guidelines and some services will still be unavailable. We will continue to work towards reopening more of our buildings and will be assessing what services can be reintroduced as government guidance evolves.”
There will be a limit on the number of visitors allowed in the building at the same time, and a browsing time of 15 minutes is being suggested to ensure as many people as possible can use these libraries. People will also be asked to sanitise their hands as they enter the library.
User will also be able to drop return items to these libraries, with items being quarantined for 72 hours before being put back on the shelf.
There will be no access to toilet facilities and seating areas have been removed. Printing and photocopying, study spaces, print copy of newspapers and magazines, information or reference enquiry service and the reservation service are all currently unavailable.
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