Today staff and students at Ringwood School attempted to smash the Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of people wearing one-piece pajamas. The attempt was part of a termly SPUD (Sponsored Personal Uniform Day) day.
Staff and students donned a variety of onesies and congregated in the Sports Hall at Ringwood Health and Leisure Centre at 9am today. 1,184 staff and students attended the gathering which was in memory of Henry Allen, a four year old Bletchley youngster who died in October after fighting Stage 4 neuroblastoma, a rare form of child cancer, It is hoped that the previous World Record of 752, which was done in memory of Henry in November 2013 in Milton Keynes by the Henry Allen Onesie Angels, has been broken. Official results will be announced later this month.
Over £1,200 was raised during the attempt which will be donated to the Rotary’s End Polio Now campaign and various cancer charities, including FAN (Families Against Neuroblastoma) which received vital funds from the Henry Allen Onesie Angles World Record in November. Students at Ringwood School were keen to support FAN when they heard the current record was done in memory of Henry, who sadly passed away a few days before the Henry Allen’s Onesie Angels attempt in 2013.