Plan for Avon Beach reconstruction a step closer
Christchurch Council approves Avon Beach promenade works

Christchurch Borough Council members have approved the permanent reconstruction of Avon Beach promenade as part of the 2017/18 Capital Strategy.
Currently there is a 200m low-lying section of promenade along the beach front and this scheme will involve raising that section by 900mm to make it level with the higher promenade on either side. These works will protect the coast from predicted future sea level rises.
The council clean-up of Avon Beach promenade after the Valentine’s Day storm of 2014 cost £16,000. Since then, the council has been working in partnership with the tenant to assess solutions that would improve coastal defences at Avon Beach, something which has been identified as a weakness for over 20 years.
In December 2016, temporary flood defences were installed to protect the promenade from potential flood damage in the short-term. This involved over 60 precast, interlocking concrete units each weighing 2.5 tonnes being placed between the beach and existing promenade to form a rigid hard defence against overtopping waves.
Cllr Margaret Phipps, portfolio holder for Managing our Environment at the Borough Council, said, “The low-lying promenade is a weakness in the coastal defences. We identified this in our Shoreline Management Plan in 2009. Carrying out this work will reduce the risk of coastal erosion and benefit visitors to the area.
“The proposal includes widening the prom which will improve access for beach users. The Full Council was pleased to approve funding for this much-needed scheme. While we understand a small number of residents have concerns about the appearance of the temporary flood defences that have been put in place, it was important we protected the promenade from potential flood damage this year. We hope that once people see the long-term benefits this scheme will bring to nearby residents and visitors to Avon Beach, this will alleviate their concerns.”
A planning application for the scheme will be submitted shortly and subject to planning permission being approved the improvement work will commence in Autumn 2017.
Cllr Trevor Watts, Ward Councillor for Mudeford and Friars Cliff, said, “Carrying out this work will protect the properties of residents within the ward which might otherwise be at risk if it did not go ahead. It is essential we carry out this work to ensure the long-term future of the area.
“These improvements will greatly enhance the visual appearance of the promenade. Unfortunately it is not financially viable to move the blocks during the summer months but I hope residents will realise the benefits of the scheme once it is completed. The ward councillors have requested that officers install information boards, including an artist’s impression, on site as soon as possible and we hope these will be in place within the next few weeks.”
The scheme will make use of the existing concrete units used as part of the temporary defences. £120k has been budgeted including £40k from the council’s tenant and £80k from the council’s capital programme.