People of all ages flocked to Poole libraries on Saturday 11 July to take part in a Guinness World RecordsTM title for the most pledges received for a reading campaign, with an increase of 39% in library footfall compared with the same weekend last year.
The exciting event launched this year’s Summer Reading Challenge, the UK’s largest reading for pleasure promotion, produced by The Reading Agency. Over 580 children in Poole pledged to take part in the campaign in just one hour, with the total number taking part so far standing at an impressive 699, compared with 258 this time last year.
Children were officially monitored as they posted their pledges in a bid to become part of the Guiness World Record title. Excited children left with their special Poole Libraries book bags and three year olds were able to take part for the first time and received a special gift.
Every year there is a new theme, and this year the Summer Reading Challenge has teamed up with Guinness World Records, the global authority in record breaking achievements and publisher of the annual Guinness World RecordsTM book – to create Record Breakers.
Children can sign up for the challenge in any Poole library to receive great incentives as they read through six books borrowed from the library. The fun doesn’t stop there as nearly fifty free events will be running in all the Poole libraries throughout the summer to include author visits, arts and crafts, live animal handling with Zoolab, music and storytelling.
Poole schools have been visited during the summer term where children have been told all about the exciting Record Breaking challenge and events. Don’t miss out on the fun – to find out more, visit a Poole library or today and let’s make it a record breaking summer!