The Borough of Poole will be trialling a partial road closure in Poole Park throughout July as part of a bid for Heritage Lottery Funding.
The council says feedback during previous public consultations clearly showed that park users wanted the level of traffic through the park to be reduced during peak times.
The road between the middle car park, near the roundabout, and the Kitchen Restaurant will be closed between 4pm and 6pm every week day from Monday 4 July until Friday 29 July. In addition the park will be open to vehicles an hour earlier at 9am throughout this period.
The trial aims to support Borough of Poole’s consultation work as part of Poole Park Life.
Martin Whitchurch, Poole Park Life Project Manager, Borough of Poole, said: “This trial provides an opportunity to assess the impact of a new road closure in the afternoon when a lot of traffic uses Poole Park as a short cut. All of the businesses in the park will be open and accessible, because only the central section of road either side of the war memorial will be closed off. We will be monitoring the effect of the closure and are grateful for the public’s co-operation and understanding through this trial and will be interested to hear their views.”
Borough of Poole’s bid to secure £2.7 million for Poole Park from the Heritage Lottery Fund will be submitted at the end of February 2017.
Further details of the consultation can be viewed at