Poole | Posted on December 10th, 2020 | return to news
Property prices in Banks Road, Sandbanks vary by £5million
Banks Road on the Sandbanks peninsula is the only street outside London with such big property price differences.

Property prices in Banks Road in Sandbanks are seriously high, with the most expensive sold recently being a five-bedroom, two bathroom house at number 117 which fetched an incredible £6.85 million in August.
However, Flat 2 in Carina Court, which has three bedrooms and a private beach chalet sold for a mere £1.76 million. This makes the road the only street out of London to feature in the top 10 biggest price differences.
As a comparison, house prices in Brompton Square in Kensington vary by over £11 million.
What can we learn from this?
Sam Mitchell, CEO at Strike, said, “It’s fascinating that house prices can vary by such large sums within a matter of metres. Over 250 UK streets had a value range of over £1m — and this variation presents an exciting opportunity for buyers and investors.
“Let’s be honest — most of us don’t have seven figures to invest, but this useful insight can be used anywhere. Wherever you want to live, looking for a street with a big range in prices may reveal a savvy investment opportunity. You can find streets with big differences in prices all over the country.”
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