Yacht capsizes in Poole Harbour
Poole’s D’ class lifeboat was launched yesterday after a racing yacht capsized off Parkstone Yacht Club.

Following a report that a small racing yacht had capsized off Parkstone Yacht Club, the RNLI launched Poole’s D-class lifeboat on Thursday 23 March just after 2pm.
The stricken yacht had two people on board and after capsizing its mast had become stuck in the mud.
With the help of two other ribs that were in the vicinity, the crew worked together and managed to get the mast out of the mud, de-rig it and then they escorted the vessel back into Parkstone Yacht club where it was recovered.
Conditions in the harbour were chilly with a strong blustery North Easterly wind.
Volunteer RNLI helmsman Jonathan Clark said, “Although nobody was in immediate danger the conditions were testing, with a sharp wind. It was a good job well done, the people on board the vessel were cold but okay.”
After bringing the vessel safely back ashore the lifeboat returned back to station and after refuelling it was ready for service by 4pm.