Film & Theatre, Reviews | Posted on October 10th, 2022 | return to news
South Pacific
Phoenix Musical Theatre

Review by Pat Scott
What a joy to start an evening in the South Pacific with a striking set of palm trees and blue sea, to the well-loved music of the Rogers and Hammerstein classic. Then, to meet the delightful children Ngana (Summer Grady) and Jerome (Joe Campbell-Marsh) who excelled.
Phoenix Musical Theatre has a great reputation for using the talents of its members and this musical was no exception; every nurse, ensign, sailor, marine and cameo part added his or her own personality to the action. They all smiled and reacted, as well as singing and dancing well.
Luther Billis was brilliantly played by Rob Reynolds with outstanding comedy moments, while Captain Brackett – an ideal part for KD Johnson – and Commander Harbison (Andy Trant) brought authority to their roles.
Every credit to Abby Robbins who took on the vital part of Liat with weeks to go, and Jeremy Mills (Lieutenant Joseph Cable) who stepped in at short notice. Their duet, Younger Than Springtime, was a highlight. Bloody Mary – splendidly played by Karen Ward with charisma and comedy – sang Happy Talk and Bali Ha’i perfectly.
The part of Nellie Forbush is a pivotal one and Rachel Leggett was ideal, whether showing the vulnerability of the girl or her joy at being in love with A Wonderful Guy. She lead the cast in Honey Bun in one of the best scenes and her duets with Emile de Becque were very moving. Emile – what a perfect role for Philip T Redgrave – showed immaculate acting skills and such a wonderful singing voice, a pleasure to watch.
Director Marie Coltman took on the enormous task of presenting South Pacific and Phoenix rose to the challenge. With such enthusiasm and ability on show, no wonder the audience enjoyed ‘some enchanted evening’.
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