Charity | Posted on January 5th, 2022 | return to news
Dorset charity seeks volunteers
STARS Dorset (Sexual Trauma and Recovery Service) has a variety of volunteer roles it would like to fill for the coming year.

If you’ve resolved to become a volunteer this year, you will be welcomed by STARS Dorset (Sexual Trauma and Recovery Service).
The charity is looking for volunteers to help deliver a variety of frontline services across Dorset throughout 2022.
STARS Dorset is a pan-Dorset charity that offers one to one support, free of charge, for anyone of any age or gender who lives, works or studies in Dorset and has experienced any form of sexual violence at any time in their life. The charity offers a telephone supportline service, a one to one counselling service and an independent sexual violence advisor service. They also have a dedicated children and young people team. All their services are free and for that reason they rely heavily on donations and the generosity of time from volunteers. Last year the charity supported over 2000 people across the county.
The charity is looking for counsellors to join its award winning counselling team; Support Line listeners to provide confidential listening support; social media volunteers to help with the charity’s social media presence and schools workshop facilitators to help run workshops around sexual harassment and consent. Events volunteers are also needed to help support a wide range of events for 2022.
If any of these roles sound as though they might be of interest then please get in touch with the charity’s volunteering team by emailing, phoning 01202 308840 or visiting their website for further information.
Anyone who has been affected by sexual violence and would like confidential advice and support can call the STARS Supportline on 01202 308855 or visit
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