Political | Posted on March 23rd, 2021 | return to news
There is still time to fill in the Census
You could end up with a fine of up to £1,000 if you don’t fill in the Census either online or on the paper questionnaire.
People are being urged to fill in their census form either online or on the paper questionnaire as failure to do so could lead to a fine of up to £1,000.
If you have misplaced your letter, log onto to www.census.gov.uk and request a new unique access code.
Field officers will soon start calling at households who have not completed their census. They will follow social distancing and COVID-safe guidelines, supporting people to take part.
They will be equipped with PPE and will never need to enter anyone’s home. They’ll be operating much like a postal or food delivery visit.
A genuine census official:
- will carry an ID card with their photograph and name
- will work through the day to make contact with residents but will not call before 9am or after 8pm.
- will never ask for money or bank details
- will never need to enter someone’s home
- will have census leaflets and paper questionnaires with them.
If the householder is concerned about a visit from a census official, they can ring the contact centre for further advice: 0800 141 2021
For more information, including how to find a local census support centre, please visit www.census.gov.uk
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