Political, Ringwood | Posted on February 6th, 2023 | return to news
Time to have your say on Ringwood Plan
A number of drop-in sessions are planned to enable people to ask questions about the Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan.

Ringwood’s Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan has been approved by the town council and is now ready to start its journey through formal consultation. During this process, the public, the local planning authorities and other stakeholders will be consulted on this version of the plan and their feedback will be used to update it.
Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Cllr John Haywood said: “A lot of hard work by the team has got us to this stage – and most of the team are volunteers giving their time for free. Thanks go to all who have joined in to produce this plan for the future development of our town.”
Town Mayor Cllr Gareth Deboos said: “A Neighbourhood Plan encourages local development appropriate for a parish by setting conditions on things like housing, design and heritage, and environmental performance. A plan for Ringwood can restrict inappropriate development as well as encouraging policies that enhance the area, including the centre of our historic market town, for the next decade. The pre-submission document has been produced by Ringwood people for Ringwood people – now is the time for all parishioners to have their say on the plan.”
Public consultation ends on 19 March 2023 and a number of public drop-in sessions are planned. Feedback forms can be obtained and submitted at the library, Greyfriars, Carvers Clubhouse, the Meeting House and Ringwood Gateway.
The plan is available to view online at www.ringwoodnp.org.uk, where there is also an online comment form.
Once consultation is complete and the feedback incorporated into a final version of the plan, it will be examined by a government inspector. Then, finally, it will be put to a referendum of the voters of Ringwood, who will make the final decision of whether to accept the plan.
Dates for the drop-in sessions, when members of the Neighbourhood Plan team will be available to answer any questions, are as follows:
Wednesdays 15 and 22 February, 10am-1pm, Ringwood Gateway; Friday 24 February 1-7pm, Ringwood Gateway; Monday 27 February 4-7pm Ringwood Library; Monday 27 February 6.30-9.30pm, Poulner Junior School Community Hall; Wednesdays 1, 8 and 15 March, 10am-1pm, Ringwood Gateway; Mondays 6 and 13 March, 4-7pm Ringwood Library
The Neighbourhood Plan, supporting documents, and online comment form can be found here: https://ringwoodnp.org.uk/ringwood-neighbourhood-plan-document
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