Education | Posted on December 2nd, 2022 | return to news
Training scheme helps to get Dorset residents online
A free training programme has now recruited and trained 750 special advisors from local companies to help digitally excluded residents.

More and more Dorset residents are being helped to get online by the free training programme organised by Dorset Council.
Called the Embedded Digital Champion (EDC) programme, the Dorset Council-run course aims to train 1,000 of the county’s frontline workers by 2023.
This is to help make sure no one is left behind in an increasingly digital world.
Previous surveys have revealed that nearly a third of Dorset residents lack the skills, devices, or connectivity to be online.
Since the start of the programme, 750 embedded digital champions have been recruited from places such as GP surgeries, libraries, voluntary organisations, and housing associations.
Magna Housing is one organisation that’s benefited from the training.
Sarah Cooley from the Dorset-based housing association said: “The training has not only made a difference to my work but more importantly to the customers I help.
“I was able to help one customer, who was offline, set up her first email account and Facebook, which she now uses all the time to talk to her family.
“There’s not much better job satisfaction than that.”
The EDC training takes place entirely online and is available to anyone with a front-line role who regularly encounters Dorset residents who struggle to be online.
Topics such as password security, accessibility features, setting up email accounts and more are covered.
Many people who have completed the course, have reported that their own digital skills have improved, as well as their confidence when supporting others
Dorset Council’s portfolio holder for Corporate Development and Transformation, Cllr Jill Haynes, said: “I’m thrilled to hear that so many people have chosen to become embedded digital champions.
“These people are fantastic at helping residents from all over Dorset get online, and we’re really grateful to all of them.”
Any organisation that would like to find out more about the embedded digital champion training and course dates available, can email or watch a new short film featuring embedded digital champion #DigitalNorma.
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