Culture, Events & Entertainment, Verwood | Posted on August 9th, 2017 |
The Verwood Photography Group's 1st Annual Exhibition
The Verwood Photography group is exhibiting a range of stunning images at Verwood Hub from 8 August – 14 September 2017.

The Verwood Photography group was started by a group of people who were members of “Verwoodians”, a local Facebook page.
They all enjoyed photography; whether professionally or as an interest and wanted to share their passion, skills and ideas with others in the area.
Over the years, the group has steadily grown to around 400 members. Each week members post pictures on the group’s Facebook page on a new theme. They regularly take part in competitions, where members vote for the winners, no prizes but ‘their five minutes of fame’.
The group also holds monthly meetings; sharing ideas, viewing their work and learning from others in the group.
Photography walks are organised, and members can use the Facebook page to get together for shared photography forays.
They welcome new members and hope that you enjoy the beautiful pictures that the talented group members have displayed in this their first exhibition.
The contributors are Paul Bottolph, Toni Coombs, Tony Harris, Tracey Holmes, John Larry, Judith Matthews, Natalie Shearing, Eddie Saunders, David Shelton, Phil Smith, Katharine Warner, Paul Waterkeyn, and Tessa White.
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Tags: Art, Photography, Verwood