Health & Lifestyle | Posted on October 27th, 2020 | return to news
Vulnerable women’s scheme commended at community awards
A scheme supporting vulnerable women to reduce reoffending has been commended at the Howard League Community Awards.

The scheme – a partnership between Dorset Police, The Footprints Project and Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) – was given a special commendation at the awards.
The service, called The Footprints Female Out of Court Diversionary Scheme, works with women identified by the Police as vulnerable who have committed and admitted low-level offences. They are issued with an out of court disposal and given the opportunity to take part in the rehabilitative scheme.
The Howard League Community Awards recognise the country’s successful community projects encouraging progressive reforms in relation to criminal justice. The Footprints Female Out of Court Diversionary Scheme was one of nine projects to be shortlisted in the Women’s category at the virtual ceremony on Wednesday 20 October. This category considered gender-specific early interventions for females who come into contact with the Criminal Justice System.
Judges were particularly impressed by high levels of engagement, the level of monitoring and outcomes, and the positive feedback from women who have been through the scheme.
The service was launched in April 2019, is provided by The Footprints Project and funded by Dorset Police and the Dorset PCC.
Women referred to the scheme by Dorset Police work with support workers for up to 16 weeks to address vulnerabilities such as mental health problems, coercive or controlling relationships, domestic abuse, and committing lower level crimes to support their family.
From its launch until September 2020, 130 women were referred to the scheme. Of the 86 who reached the six-month post-disposal point, which is where re-offending begins to be recorded, 93.1% had not reoffended.
Adult out of court disposals manager for Dorset Police, Jen Howard, said, “Evidence shows that female offenders often have more complex needs than men and do not always benefit from short-term prison sentences.
“Dorset Police is committed to supporting vulnerable people and better understanding how certain circumstances can lead to these offences. Supporting these individuals to address the things that make them vulnerable can ultimately stop reoffending and help them lead happier and more fulfilled lives.
“This commendation is a recognition of how working collaboratively with our partners can make the difference in supporting our most vulnerable communities – the evidence speaks for itself.”
For many, the scheme provides them with support that they never knew existed or they hadn’t been able to access previously. It provides a safe space to talk about their issues and understand that there is another way forward for them.
Support provided is tailored to individual needs, but often includes housing, drug or alcohol rehabilitation, employment support or help with finances and budgeting.
CEO of The Footprints Project, Caroline Stevens, said, “I am really pleased that we’ve been recognised as part of such a prestigious event. I want to extend our congratulations to Trevi House as winners in a very strong category.
“The starting point for the women we work with is lending them a supportive ear, listening to what’s happened to them, and understanding what support they actually need. Many have never been given the opportunity to talk to someone in this way before.
“I am proud of what we’ve achieved in the first year of the scheme and know we will see so many more positive stories still to come.”
Martyn Underhill, Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner said, “Nationally, the vast majority of women who serve sentences of less than 12 months end up reoffending within a year – and that is a situation in which there are no winners.
“I’m proud to have provided funding enabling this project to break the revolving door of reoffending, and I’m glad to see it receive the national recognition it deserves through having been commended for this prestigious award.”
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