Bridport, Eco & Environment | Posted on December 22nd, 2020 | return to news
Warning to stay away from Hive Beach
The cliff and fallen material is still unstable and Dorset Council says that people should not visit the immediate area.

There is a good chance that following the announcement that Christmas festivities are to be confined to just Christmas Day, many people are going to be taking walks along the coast.
However, following a rockfall at Hive Beach last week, Dorset Council says that as the cliff and fallen material is still unstable, people should stay away from the immediate area. A further fall or resettlement of the rocks now on the beach could happen at any time. The heavy rain that the county has received recently and the strong waves that are pounding the base of the cliffs will help destabilise it further.
Warnings have been placed on the beach and the coast path is closed and has been for some time due to potential cliff instability – the footpath has been rerouted inland through National Trust land.
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