Weekend Walks | Posted on February 20th, 2021 | return to news
Woolslope Farm to Riverside Walk and return via West Moors town centre
By Janine Pulford
Approximately 6,000 steps
Time: approximately one hour (fast pace)
Level ground

Entrances to Woolslope Farm gravel paths are either directly off the Riverside Walk (accessed from the A31, or Station Road, West Moors but there is no parking at either location), or via Canterbury Close or Woolslope Road. Again, there are no car parks, so it’s better to walk to the entrances if you can.

You will see hedgerows, deciduous woodland, grassland, flood meadows, fairy doors, occasional deer, rabbits, foxes, and dragonflies (in the summer), blackberry picking in late summer can be bountiful. If you’re observant, you might see a wild orchid. There used to a lot, but I haven’t seen one for a couple of years. Birds spotted recently include: magpie, house sparrow, robin, blackbird, chaffinch, pigeon, crow, seagull. And the most unusual birds I’ve seen in the past are pheasants and buzzards.

This walk adjoins the river walk. Enter Woolslope Farm via Canterbury Close and follow the tarmac path over the bridge along the gravel path, through the woodland (keep an eye out for fairy doors) and down to the river.

At the river, join the river walk which is nicely gravelled and well-maintained and bear right. If you’re lucky you might see a water rat or maybe even a kingfisher. Most unusual bird seen in the past – little egret.

Keep walking along the path to Station Road. Cross at the crossing point and continue along the river path.

You will see ponies in the field, some grand old trees and mixed woodland. Keep to the main path and you will eventually reach Farm Road.

There is a diversion off the main path to Pennington Road. Either way, you will end up in the town centre (yes, West Moors is a town now).

We took the Farm Road exit and walked into the town coming out near the library. We turned right along Station Road, left into Pinehurst Road and back to where we started.
If you start at Woolslope Road, it is a right turn off Pinehurst Road walking from the town. It was a good hike and not too busy.
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