Political | Posted on March 15th, 2021 | return to news
Action4Alderholt continues opposition to Local Plan
Although the Dorset Local Plan consultation has finished, Action4Alderholt is continuing its opposition to 300 new homes in the village.

The consultation for Dorset’s local plan ended on 15 March and Action4Alderholt, which is opposing plans for an additional 300 new homes in the village, is inviting people to access the parish council’s website http://www.alderholtparishcouncil.gov.uk to see the responses from local people as well as the official response from the parish council.
A spokesman said, “We would like to thank all the volunteers who distributed our explanatory leaflet to many parts of the village.”
He added they had contacted their MP Simon Hoare, who had offered to help in any way he could..
On 8 March a live Facebook event enabled people to discuss the consultation with Cllr David Walsh who holds the portfolio for planning in Dorset. That event can be viewed on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNL3xu13uDc.
Action4Alderholt continues to be represented on the Parish Council working party writing the emerging neighbourhood plan for Alderholt. They hold regular meetings all of which are open to the public. These meetings are currently held remotely but anyone can attend by requesting a link by emailing clerk@alderholtparishcoucil.gov.uk
A planning appraisal written by Colin English has been forwarded to Dorset planning and it can be read and downloaded from www.Action4Alderholt.org.uk.
The spokesman added, “Alderholt enjoys a plethora of legally protected wildlife on our outskirts and these habitats need their locations heavily safeguarded. You can help by advising Natural England of any of which you are aware. Email them at enquiries@naturalengland.org.uk.
“We are in touch with other groups around Dorset opposed to the plan because of its weaknesses regarding sustainability. The proposals for Alderholt appear to be based on flawed evidence and we will continue to challenge Dorset Council during the next stage of plan production.”
Action for Alderholt needs volunteers; if you can help please get in touch via action4alderholt@gmail.com.
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