Dorset | Posted on December 15th, 2021 | return to news
Applications invited to Dorset Council youth fund
Round 3 of Dorset Council’s Youth Fund has now opened and applications for projects which meet the criteria are invited.
With Ferndown Youth Centre having received a grant of £4,990 in Round 2 of Dorset Council’s Youth Fund, applications for youth projects are now invited from Round 3.
Projects meeting the criteria should make a positive impact or difference to young people aged 11 to 19, or up to age 25 if they have special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) or are a care leaver.
£58,549.09 was recently awarded to 14 local organisations.
During Round 2, the fund provided grants of 80 per cent to 100 per cent of total project costs to applicants. Between £1,935 and £5,000 was awarded to projects supporting Dorset Council in delivering the priorities set out in its children, young people and families plan 2020 to 2023.
Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council portfolio holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help, said: “Our voluntary youth projects make a valuable contribution to ensuring young people feel an important part of their communities.
“This grant scheme is a fantastic way for Dorset Council to support access to positive things to do and places to go for young people through youth projects.
“We are really pleased Dorset organisations have the opportunity to apply for and receive grants, and there are still funds available in this financial year. We encourage organisations that have not yet benefited to apply for our third round of grant funding that is now open.”
To apply go to
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