Caption: Area damaged by fire and sand lizard on affected area at Upton Heath © Simon Cripps
Culture, Dorset, Eco & Environment, Poole | Posted on January 29th, 2019 | return to news
Artists get creative in Poole
Two artists have been commissioned to help design and create inviting and attractive public spaces in the Townside area of Poole

Two artists have been commissioned to help design and create inviting and attractive public spaces in the Townside area of Poole, enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors in the future.
Michael Condron will be providing two major ‘gateway’ artworks, to create a sense of arrival and departure at the southern and northern tips of Townside, which covers the area between Hunger Hill and Poole Bridge, including West Street and West Quay Road. The artworks will celebrate the town’s heritage and have a high level of visibility which everyone can enjoy.
Designers Dallas-Pierce-Quintero, have been appointed to create high quality and contemporary wayfinding designs that reflect the various architectural styles of the area as well as stylish street furniture. They will be developing designs that reveal and respond to local heritage, orientate people and signpost places, enhance and celebrate pedestrian routes and create a sense of surprise and engagement.
The artwork and attractive public spaces will help create a new local identity for the town side of Backwater Channel, a key aspiration of local people.
Both artists are in their research phase and would like to hear about the area’s past, present and future. Dallas-Pierce-Quintero will be holding a public drop-in session on Saturday 26 January from 2pm until 5pm in the Brewhouse & Kitchen, Dear Hay Lane. If you live or work in the area west of West Street, or have an interest in the area please come along and meet the designers and chat about the project. Other public drop-in events will be held shortly.
Julian McLaughlin, Head of Growth and Infrastructure, Borough of Poole, commented: “In Autumn 2017 we engaged with local people to find out how they would like to shape and use the open spaces in this area. The feedback we received has proved invaluable in progressing to this next step, to commission artists to create artwork that embodies Poole’s maritime heritage which is so important to local people. We would encourage people to come along to these drop-in events to hear more about these exciting projects and how they could transform this area of Poole.”
Cllr Ian Potter, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Transportation, Planning and Regeneration, Borough of Poole, said: “As the regeneration sites on the town side of Backwater Channel are developed, the green spaces and public areas will play an even more important role in the growing community. I look forward to seeing how the artists’ designs develop, creating areas that residents and visitors can enjoy.”
Cllr Andy Garner-Watts, Ward Member for Poole Town, Borough of Poole, said: “This is a very exciting time for Poole, we have so much investment and regeneration going on it feels like we are really starting to bring our town back to life. I fully support this initiative to ensure our public space is of the highest quality for our people to enjoy now and into the future.”
Forming part of the wider £11.7million infrastructure improvements currently taking place in
Townside, these projects will run parallel to each other and the finished artworks will be in place by 2020.
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