Health & Lifestyle | Posted on October 17th, 2022 | return to news
BCP Council consultation on activities for those with a care need
Have your say if you have a view on the provision of day activities for those with a care need in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
People in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area have until 30 November to have their say on the provision of day opportunities for those with a care need such as dementia, autism, mental, physical, sensory and learning disabilities.
BCP Council and independent providers arrange activities for young people and adults to help them to develop specific skills, meet new people and/or access employment or volunteering opportunities.
The aim of this consultation is to gain insight into what key stakeholders of these services want day opportunities to look like. This feedback will be used to inform future decisions around how day opportunities are delivered and how they are currently meeting the needs of those who use them.
Cllr Karen Rampton, portfolio holder for People and Homes, said: “We recognise how important day opportunity services are for many of our communities and we want to give people a chance to have their say on what these services will look like in the future, as we continue to work towards being accessible and accountable to our residents.
“We encourage anyone who is currently connected to our day opportunities or who may be in the future to take part in our consultation and help to shape the future of these services in our conurbation.”
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