Nature & Wildlife | Posted on August 2nd, 2022 | return to news
Book giveaway helps connect adults in Dorset with nature
A limited-edition book of seasonal writing and imagery inspired by nature is being offered for free by the Stepping into Nature project.

Stepping into Nature aims to help people in Dorset connect to and enjoy their landscape, wildlife, culture and history from any setting.
Seasons of Stories: Summer is told through story, poetry, traditions and imagery and is designed to prompt memories, conversations, and reflections.
Autumn and spring have already been released and winter is currently being created to complete the full cycle of the year.
The creative team working on the books is made up of storyteller Martin Maudsley; poet Sarah Acton; designer Spike Goulding and the Stepping into Nature project team Julie Hammon and Steph Aburrow.
Project officer Steph Aburrow said autumn and spring were well received adding: “We hope people will love summer as much, or if not even more, than the previous books as we continue to engage closely with communities and make them even better. We are grateful for the support of National Lottery Community Funding which has enabled us to share these books for free.”
Poet Sarah Acton said she was “very proud to be part of the Seasons of Stories team” adding: “This book is alive with bustle, heat and vibrant sights, smells, sounds and colours of summer inspired by various Dorset landscapes.
“We hope to inspire readers to get outside, remember favourite places and summery connections, and perhaps enjoy bringing nature indoors with a pebble, posy or summer fruits. We’d love to hear how the book lands with you so please do let us know.”
To view the book online or to request a physical copy to be posted go to or provide your name and address via or call Steph on 01305 224788.
There are a limited number of books available and they will be allocated on first come first serve basis.
Stepping into Nature is led by the Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty partnership and funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. To find out more visit
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